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Capital Campaign: Conceptual Renderings
St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church has moved forward with plans to upgrade our campus to accommodate the expected size increases of our growing community. St. Thomas the Apostle officially launched its Capital Campaign in 2022. We're currently seeking to secure funding for the building project. See the latest progress update here.
Raised + pledged: $4.6 million
Goal: $8 million
Campaign Prayer
Good and Gracious God,
You have blessed our parish community since its foundation. We ask for your continued blessings in this new time of growth. Please help us to meet the needs of our community and build a new church in which we may continue to seek communion with you and our neighbors.
We seek your loving guidance as we move to accomplish this. Bless us, we pray. Be our light and our strength. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.
December 2024 Update
April 21, 2024 Update
October 30, 2022: UpdateIn what ways can I make a gift to the Capital Campaign? Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Below are various ways to give. Please consider one or multiple options when determining a commitment. There may be tax benefits to giving. Please consult your accountant or financial advisor to learn more. Please consult your accountant or financial advisor to learn more. • Cash • Check • Online giving through our website • Stocks and Bonds • Individual Retirement Account & Required Minimum Distributions • Gifts from the cash value of Life Insurance • In-Kind Donations • Real Estate • Employer Matching Gift We ask that you pray for God’s guidance throughout this process as well as the campaign volunteers and the entire parish. This is an important moment in our church’s history and we thank you for your interest!
August 21, 2022: UpdateAugust 21st, 2022 Update Why do we need to build a new church? Hebrews 3:4 - "For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God." There are two primary issues creating an urgency to build a new facility. The first issue is a growing Corcoran community. By 2040, there will be an estimated 2,000 new housing units in Corcoran and the population is estimated to grow 103.6% from 5,600 to 11,400. We want to be ready to welcome these families as they choose a church home. Second, the current church is too small and often experiences overcrowding. For example, past attendance has been 300, in a 160-person capacity church, on Ash Wednesday, Easter and Christmas Masses. People entered and left due to overcrowding. Other reasons include ADA and accessibility issues, as well as safety concerns with crossing County Road 10. To learn more, please plan on attending the campaign kick-off event in the Parish Hall on Sunday, September 25 after 10:30 a.m. Mass. There will be a presentation followed by lunch, door prizes and socializing with other parishioners!
August 14, 2022: UpdateAnnouncing the Rooted in Faith – Building Our Future Capital Campaign! Psalm 80:9 - "You cleared the ground for it; it took deep root and filled the land." After much research and parishioner feedback, St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church is moving forward with a capital campaign to build a new church! Our campaign’s theme is Rooted in Faith – Building Our Future. Over the next couple of months, we will be sharing more information about this project before asking parishioners to make a financial commitment. Upcoming Campaign Event Dates: Campaign Kick-off Event at the Parish Hall on Sunday, September 25th following the 10:30 a.m. Mass There will be a presentation followed by lunch, door prizes and socializing with other parishioners! Building and Capital Campaign Questions & Answers Capital Campaign Campaign Chair, Susan Wieneke Campaign Committee Michelle Bartlett Kevin Casserly Kimberly Day Jamie Heuton Fr. Glen Jenson Cindy Patnode
Campaign Updates
Below is updated information on the Capital Campaign. If you have questions, please contact the Parish Office at 763.420.2385 or
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